Norton's U.S.A. Brick & Mortar Store!

Norton's U.S.A. Brick & Mortar Store!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Country Living Fair!!

I have been wanting to do this for the last few years, so this year I said I am going and what I time I have had! The County Living Fair is at the Ohio Village in Columbus, Ohio and the grounds are overflowing with talented crafts people and shoppers! Fun is being had by all, old and young. I had lunch with a Grandma and her 2 month old granddaughter! So many beautiful things I have picked up for the store. I would say 90% of everything at the fair is made in America and that's good news for all of us. If you have the time to go to their fair in October, in Atlanta, I would do it! It's really fun and you will enjoy yourself, I promise! Click on the picture and go straight to Country Living's website to get details. The Columbus Fair has one more day, so if you are nearby, check it out!

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